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The Wars in England, Scotland and Ireland. Or An Impartial Account of all the Battels, Sieges, and other Remarkable Transactions, Revolutions and Accidents, which have heppened from the beginning of the Reign of King Charles I. in 1625, to His Majesties happy Restauration, 1660.

Sample page from The Wars in England, Scotland and Ireland. Or An Impartial Account of all the Battels, Sieges, and other Remarkable Transactions, Revolutions and Accidents, which have heppened from the beginning of the Reign of King Charles I. in 1625, to His Majesties happy Restauration, 1660.

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The Wars in England, Scotland and Ireland. Or An Impartial Account of all the Battels, Sieges, and other Remarkable Transactions, Revolutions and Accidents, which have heppened from the beginning of the Reign of King Charles I. in 1625, to His Majesties happy Restauration, 1660.

By Nathaniel Crouch

The full title reads as follows: "The Wars in England, Scotland and Ireland. Or An Impartial Account of all the Battels, Sieges, and other Remarkable Transactions, Revolutions and Accidents, which have heppened from the beginning of the Reign of King Charles I. in 1625, to His Majesties happy…

To view the full details of The Wars in England, Scotland and Ireland. Or An Impartial Account of all the Battels, Sieges, and other Remarkable Transactions, Revolutions and Accidents, which have heppened from the beginning of the Reign of King Charles I. in 1625, to His Majesties happy Restauration, 1660. and our continuously-growing catalogue of over 1290 other titles, subscribe to Codex Rare Books today!

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Early ModernRestorationCharles IIEnglish Civil WarCharles IExecution of Charles IRegicideHistoryEnglish HistoryInterregnumPropaganda17th Century

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