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TES KAINES DIATHEKES APANTA EVAGGELION ... Novum Jesu Christi D.N. Testamentum. Ex Bibliotheca Regia.

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TES KAINES DIATHEKES APANTA EVAGGELION ... Novum Jesu Christi D.N. Testamentum. Ex Bibliotheca Regia.

By Bible

An important example, the property of the Rectors of Exeter College, Oxford from at least 1581 through 1740. Two volumes bound as one. This example lacks the title of the second volume. The full title reads as follows:"TES KAINES DIATHEKES APANTA EVAGGELION / Kata Matthaion. / Kata Markon. /…

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BibleStephanusStephaniEstienneKing James VersionNovum TestamentumCodex BezaeEditio RegiaOxford UniversityExeter CollegeChrist Church CollegeThomas HollandThomas GlasierJohn ConybeareThomas ByronAuthorized VersionRobert EstienneGrecs du RoiClaude GaramondRenaissance16th CenturyFamous ProvenanceGreekEditio PrincepsRobertus Stephanus

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