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A missionary voyage to the southern Pacific ocean, performed in the years 1796, 1797, 1798, in the ship Duff, commanded by Captain James Wilson. Compiled from journals of the officers and the missionaries; and illustrated with maps, charts and views, drawn by Mr. William Wilson, and engraved by the most eminent artists. With a preliminary discourse on the geography and history of the South sea islands; and an appendix, including details never before published, of the natural and civil state of Otaheite; by

Sample page from A missionary voyage to the southern Pacific ocean, performed in the years 1796, 1797, 1798, in the ship Duff, commanded by Captain James Wilson. Compiled from journals of the officers and the missionaries; and illustrated with maps, charts and views, drawn by Mr. William Wilson, and engraved by the most eminent artists. With a preliminary discourse on the geography and history of the South sea islands; and an appendix, including details never before published, of the natural and civil state of Otaheite; by

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A missionary voyage to the southern Pacific ocean, performed in the years 1796, 1797, 1798, in the ship Duff, commanded by Captain James Wilson. Compiled from journals of the officers and the missionaries; and illustrated with maps, charts and views, drawn by Mr. William Wilson, and engraved by the most eminent artists. With a preliminary discourse on the geography and history of the South sea islands; and an appendix, including details never before published, of the natural and civil state of Otaheite; by (a.k.a. A missionary voyage to the southern Pacific ocean)

By Anonymous

To view the full details of A missionary voyage to the southern Pacific ocean, performed in the years 1796, 1797, 1798, in the ship Duff, commanded by Captain James Wilson. Compiled from journals of the officers and the missionaries; and illustrated with maps, charts and views, drawn by Mr. William Wilson, and engraved by the most eminent artists. With a preliminary discourse on the geography and history of the South sea islands; and an appendix, including details never before published, of the natural and civil state of Otaheite; by and our continuously-growing catalogue of over 1290 other titles, subscribe to Codex Rare Books today!

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